New Chapter

Created by Chelsea 14 years ago
The lord said let there be light….. and I got Tamiqa. A red faced yelling bundle of love. You were so beautiful and so small, just 5lbs 3oz and only 17” long. I was hooked!!! I should have known when you arrived 2 months earlier than expected that I would forever be asking you to slow down and be still. I remember that 1st night at home, the 2 of us in bed, me holding you and praying over you, making promises that I had every intention of keeping and you looking at me with your big blazing brown eyes.I was just a baby with a baby but Lord knows I loved you. Everyone loved you and you loved them back. Oh My Baby ....every memory is like it just happened a second ago. As you grew form an infant into a toddler, it was apparent that you were not the average kid. You were so independent, full of energy and not shy at all. Everyone on the block knew who you were since you made yourself the official welcome home from work ambassador of Denver Avenue. You especially loved to see your Godfather “Poppi” coming in from work. You would start runnning and throw your fat little arms around him. To the others you would just wait it out till you saw them , .screaming their name as soon as the they turned corner. Hi.!.....Hi!! HEY ITS ME TAMIQA!!! ...... Like anyone could ever miss you with those bright mismatched colors you insisted on wearing. I thought you would outgrow that, but just as some lights are brighter than others, as you got older so did your clothes and sometimes even your hair. My rockstar. When I Had Tanisha you thought you were the mom, trying to get me to dress her as you would yourself and helping to feed her . You thought you had the most important job in the world. Being a BIG sister . She was your favorite but then I had Chelsea and she was your favorite too because she looked just like you. But along came Domi when you were just 10 yrs old and boy did you think you were in charge. “IM BIGGER THAN YOU’ WAS YOUR FAVORITE SAYING. Belinda’s girls. The Taylor Girls. I have so many memories but God knows I wish I had more. Just one more. I think of the time you had a pool party in Golden someone else's pool.In the murky green water!!! Boy did you get a whippin for that. Or the time you put Tanisha in a portable toilet, tipped it over and rolled her around in it because she wouln’t leave you alone. I think of the morning we raced to church and left Chelsea at home, poor uncle John raced back and we were all frantic,but not you, you just laughed and laughed. You were always laughing. When we brought Doninique home I remember you taking charge of your other sisters and you started calling her “Snoopy” and even now 17 yrs later she is still your “snoopy” Soon after this you started having seizures, andwe were all so devastated. And 3 yrs later The dr said you needed to have brain surgery and we prayed so hard and then one day you had one so bad you were left in a comatose state for 3 days but after that you went home and went right back to your free spirited self. No matter how much trouble you got into , you’d just take in straide, laugh and sometimes you would do it again. You wre like cat with nine lives. It scared me silly and that was just at home. As much of a challenge as you were at home, you were spectacular when you walked out the door. People just loved you and you loved them back. You never met a stranger. Everybody was your ‘friend”. You commanded attention with your beauty, your very loud laugh and funloving atitude and your bright colors. When I had your one and only brother you screamed and laughed calling him “PIMPIN!! And from that day forward that was his name. So many people love you. But I know that your brother and sister were your heart. And now there hearts are broken What are they going to do without their Miqa. What is Jade going to do without her “Tiqa.. Everton will never hear you begging him to cook saltfish and calalloo. You were Grandma’s first grandchild, the beat of heart. The baet of all of our hearts. What am I going to do without my Baby , my Rockstar who still calls me Mommie. I remember recently you told me “Mommie aint nothing gonna happin to me because I got the power of a praying Mommie.” Or a couple of months ago when you left to your friends house and then called right back and said “Mommie I love you so much” because your own good friend had just lost their father. Baby I thank God for giving me those memories. Baby ........I spent so much time trying to make you conforn to what I thought was right and my way of doing things that I sometimes dimmed your light. This past week I have received hundreds if not thousands messages and phone calls from people of walsk of life. From the wolrd renowned entertainment lawyer to the neighborhood wino You have lived so much life and touched so many people in your 26 years with us. Looking back now I can see that this is what the Lord destined you to do. You had places to go and people to see. My life without you is going to be way too quite. One of your friends said you went back to school cause you wanted to make me proud but Baby you have. I read your letters to God and all your writings you have kept through the years and you always ask God what does he want from you and what is your purpose. Your purpose was to give life. The ultimate sacrifice. You gave Winter Princess life. I know you were scared but Baby you were also so very brave. I know you prayed to your Lord even in the midst of the shadow of death because we have your puzzle. Thank you for giving us one more sign that you are OK. The words to your most recent favorit song says “I just want to be successful”, Baby you are successful. You are worth more than gold and diamonds You are my hero. My rockstar and you will forever be my baby.Just as the lord finished his work and rested on the 7th day, you too finished your work and rested on the seventh day. I Love you so much Tamiqa. Watch over us until we see you again.I know your up there making noise in Heaven and when it is our time we know you will be waiting with open arms laughing loudly wearing your hot pink, orange or yellow wings. My Baby My ROCKSTAR.